3 Ways To Elevate Your Engagement on Social Media This Month
Your Personal Journey
Tell your audience your personal journey, your growth wins, and also don’t be afraid to talk about your not-so-shining moments. Through the power of storytelling, your audience will feel connected to your story. When we unleash and talk about what we might think is a failure, it may be just the thing that makes your audience feel closer to you. Those “failures” are learning opportunities, adding the perfect content topic for a deeper, personal connection with your audience. Stories sell and engage.
Educational With A Graphic
Lead with value. value. value.I cannot stress this enough! People want to buy from an expert, and the best way to establish on social media that you are an expert is by being resourceful to your audience. Want to stand out on social media? Instead of posting what everyone else is posting, take a step back and think outside the box. How can you transmit the same information that is out there, but from your own unique, different perspective? Graphics make your post shareable, and therefore also increase engagement.
Sharing Your Why
The last way to elevate your engagement on social media is to share the reason you started your business. Creating a “Why I do This” post allows your audience to really get to know the person behind the business. People buy from people. Next time you’re looking through your social media insights and start to notice a decline in the engagement rate, use these three types of content which will elevate your social media engagement, all while your audience is getting to know, like, and trust your business.