10 Digital Products you can Make this Weekend

I know courses are currently trending and are a great way to educate + support your audience while generating some serious income, but courses take a lot of time to create. Also, I know that charging hundreds of dollars for something can feel pretty intimidating. So this masterclass is going to focus on dipping your toe into digital products by creating something simple that’s at a super accessible price point for any audience.

To help you start brainstorming and get excited to create something awesome for your audience, here are 10 ideas for digital products you can create in a weekend.

1 | Video series

If you’re a fan of Insta stories or going live, then a video series might be perfect for you. One of my favorite products that I’ve purchased was a series of five videos with the creator simply talking to the camera for 5-10 minutes at a time. She shared one action item in each video and I felt like I came out of that week with the exact motivation and clarity I was seeking.

2 | Audio series

If your audience spends their time out and about, commuting to work, or going for a daily run, then an audio series might be a better option. You can write scripts or pull related blog posts or emails and literally read them to your audience. If you can get through each piece without too many edits, you could record this and have it ready to go in just one day!

3 | Worksheets / Workbook

Is there some planning, brainstorming, or decision-making that needs to happen for your audience to take the next step? What worksheets can you create (or even a whole workbook) to help them through it? This could apply to things like creating a capsule wardrobe, finding the ideal client, or creating a budget.

4 | Checklists

Do you have a physical or mental checklist you go through in knocking out a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly task? Bet your audience would love a shortcut to making something happen. Checklists for hosting webinars, packing for family vacation, or weekly meal planning would be super helpful!

5 | Email course

If your audience would benefit from hearing from you every day for a week or two, an email course might be your best bet. What goal or idea can you break into 5-10 steps? A course doesn’t have to be long and complicated. It doesn’t have to involve payment plans or those crazy long sales pages or a membership site either. Keep it simple and create a mini course as an email sequence!

6 | PDF Guide

Maybe your audience would prefer having all their tutorials, ideas, checklists, and worksheets combined into one handy guide. Teach your audience how to clear their closets and lean into minimalism, how to teach their dog new tricks, or how to host the most bananas kids party on a serious budget. PDF guides are amazing because you can put together a pretty damn nice one using Word, Canva, or Google Docs!

7 | Templates

Printable templates, email templates, design templates, spreadsheets. What do you have already made or can create a template for that will save your audience time? I have a growth tracker template that’s been downloaded hundreds of times, and it is just a spreadsheet that I set up to track stats, products sales, and affiliate income. Not terribly fancy but super valuable and something I use myself every single month!

8 | Tutorials

These could be videos or, if your thing doesn’t take physical demonstration, it could be written out step by step. Have mad skills at addressing invitations? Planting a container garden? Teaching basic HTML? Give your audience the exact steps to make something happen. People will absolutely pay for a quickie product that saves them the headache of having to figure it out on their own.

9 | Challenge

This is one of my favorite ways to help my audience take action and stick to a plan. Some people learn really well and are better at being accountable when you give them a challenge and a deadline. Challenges can come in the form of daily emails, videos, or access to dripped lessons in a membership site, and help your audience do things like jumpstart their training plan, stick to a new habit, or learn a new skill by practicing daily.

10 | A Kit

Think your audience would benefit from a handful of these options? What about upping the price slightly and turning it into a kit? A tutorial with templates, a challenge with worksheets, a PDF guide with audio files. How can you make sure your audience gets the result they’re seeking by combining two learning mediums together?

Whether this list has given you a solid idea or you’re still in the brainstorming process, if you’re ready to jump into creating digital products, send a email to kris@kreativelykris.com today! 


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