Why CEO’s Need A Book
You’ve done the hard work of forming or leading a company, and you’ve thrived in your leadership role. As the president, CEO, or other tactical leader of your company, you have a tremendous marketing opportunity—the publishing market is primed for your book. Here are just some of the reasons a successful business leader should consider becoming an author:
Establish yourself as an industry expert. Being an author sets you apart from your colleagues and competition, and establishes you as an expert in your field. A book is the imprimatur of legitimacy—if you’re an author, people listen to what you have to say, and you have a voice in the big-picture discourse about your given subject of expertise.
Tell your story. You don’t become the CEO of a successful enterprise without some adventures along the way. Your personal story may be as rich as your professional story, and it’s likely the two are inextricably intertwined. A book is the best medium for you to tell your story in all its interesting detail.
Market your business. Your book would help not just you, but your business. It provides visibility for what you and your company do every day.
Share your insights and help innovate. You’ve gathered tons of great insight into your profession. So share it with the world! Your ideas will spark conversation and help others in your field—and other fields you can’t even imagine—improve what they do.
Leadership will always be a fertile book topic. Regardless of your industry, books about leadership will always be relevant, because leadership will always be relevant. In this way, your experience transcends subject matter—that’s why basketball coaches, for instance, write books about success and leadership, not Xs and Os. The bigger lessons you extrapolate from your career will help others in their field.
You have a plethora of storytelling options. However you want to frame your story, there’s a viable book option. Want to tell your life story? Write a detail-rich memoir. Want to help others achieve success in business? Write a how-to. Want to show others what’s possible in their careers? Write a self-help title. There are as many approaches as there are stories.
Open the door to other media opportunities. Being an author opens the door to potential conference and other speaking opportunities, TV and podcast appearances, opportunities to contribute to print and industry-specific media, a larger social media following, and much more.
A certified ghostwriter helps your ideas take shape. If you know what you want to say but not quite how to say it, or you want to make sure your book has a professional edge that other manuscripts on a publisher’s desk don’t, then call (240)245-7406 or email kris@kreativelykris.com for a free consultation.